- What is Transaction Report for?
- Where can I find it?
- Will I get a notification when the report is ready?
- Will my generated reports be retained?
- Can I download the report?
- While trying to generate the report I get a ‘402’ response, why?
What is Transaction Report for?
The Transaction Report on the Coinfirm AML Platform allows users to check the risk associated with addresses participating in the transaction. The Report could be generated for all transactions from supported blockchains and tokens which transfer value.
Where can I find it?
The Transaction Tool can be reached from the left side navigation bar, by clicking on the “Transaction Report” button
Will I get a notification when the report is ready?
Transaction Reports are generated in the offline mode and the user receives an email about the status of generation for each report separately and also could check status on the Platform in the Generated Reports List section.
When the report is under preparation the user is able to see the generated details by clicking on the transaction hash.
Will my generated reports be retained?
Yes, GENERATED REPORTS LIST section shows all historical generated reports.
The table shows:
Generation time – shows the date and time when the User has generated a transaction report
Transaction hash – shows the transaction hash for which the User has generated the transaction report, by clicking on the hash the User is able to see details of the transaction report even if the calculation is not finished
Comment – possibility to add comments for each report
Currency – shows the currency of the generated transaction report
USD Amount – shows the amount of the transaction
Average C-score – shows the average C-score for all transaction participants
Highest C-score – shows the highest C-score for the participant of the transaction
Can I download the report?
Answer: Yes, there is a possibility to download a PDF version of the report.
While trying to generate the report I get a ‘402’ response, why?
Answer: 402 responses signalize there is a lack of this product on your account. It could mean that you are out of reports or available reports expired.
In this situation, we recommend checking whether you are trying to generate the type of reports you have on the account. Secondly, check the balance of the reports and thirdly, contact our sales team through email - click here - to buy an additional package of reports.